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Find out more about our food

Nutritional Guidelines

At New Beginnings we believe that a healthy diet is vital to support children for healthy development. The way young children relate to food can also be a huge influence on their eating habits as they grow up, so it’s important to teach and encourage good practices and foster a healthy relationship with food from an early age.

Our menus are carefully chosen and planned, to ensure that every child receives a balanced and nutritious diet. Our daily menu provides each different food group in the recommended amounts and portion sizes, in line with the government guidelines set out in the Action for Children guidance from the government

 Food Safety

Processes, such as coloured plates and individual care plans help children and adults to identify those with special dietary needs at mealtimes.

Food for specific diets, including vegetarian and religious preferences, are clearly labelled by the nursery chef before coming into the room to be served. All children are well supported and closely supervised by a member of staff in their nursery room at mealtimes. They are encouraged to feed themselves where appropriate, to develop new skills, and engage in discussions about ‘healthy food’ so that they learn good habits for the future.

One of the key persons who works in the nursery room, closely supervises children with allergies and intolerances, to help them to learn about their ‘individual diet’ from an early age. Conversations at mealtimes contribute to children’s understanding of their dietary needs. Meaningful discussion and first-hand experience help them to learn about safe practices, such as why they shouldn’t eat someone else’s food or drink.

Weaning menus with appropriate textured foods are provided according to your child’s age and phase of development. In particular, for babies and younger children, and for those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities who are unable to manage solid food, we work with parents to develop weaning programmes that suit their child’s needs.

Individual Dietary Needs

Before a child starts with us, we will always ensure we have gathered the information from their parent or carer, including any relevant information from other professionals, so that we are fully aware of each child’s specific dietary needs.


We work closely with families to put individual dietary plans in place for children with allergies. These ensure that everyone involved in the child’s care is aware of how the allergy needs to be managed and any action required.


Unlike food allergies, the symptoms of an intolerance to food are less severe and non-life threatening. However, we still take the utmost care to manage intolerances to ensure children’s ongoing good health.  Like the management of allergies, a care plan will be implemented that details the specific needs of the child and the actions required.

Religious and Cultural Preferences

We respect the traditions and culture of each of our children and families. We cater for several religious and cultural diets, recognising that some foods are prohibited. We are guided by the needs of each child and work with families to provide alternatives.


Our vegetarian meals are healthy and include all necessary nutrients. We follow government guidelines on these meals.

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